Tuesday, 11 February, 2025

Author: tenderlove

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You overcome the world because Jesus has overcome the world. Thus his victory is your victory because he lives in you. The greater One lives inside you. The Almighty, the One that has all power in heaven and on earth…He lives inside of you. You can go through life hand in hand with the Almighty and nothing will ever defeat you anymore. Go through life with confidence.

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When a man is regenerated, he might not be different from others in the way he attends to the common business of life. He could be behind the same counter as other men, selling off the same lot of goods, at the same prices; yet one is there doing his own will, and the other doing God’s will; the one pleasing himself the other pleasing his Master. It is possible that both the regenerated and the unregenerated man may be following the plow, each to raise the same crop, yet each with a perfectly opposite ultimate end in view; the one to gratify self, the other to gratify God.

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By the renewal of the mind, selfishness is put away and Christ is put on in all things. This is the very essence of the Apostle’s meaning. The putting on the new man is also taking on the yoke of Christ, as well as having the Spirit of Christ imbibed, and acting out; the law of love, supreme to God, and impartial to man. Thus a spirit of self-sacrifice ensues, and the individual no longer asks what will gratify him, but what will please God.

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When the old man is put off, he dies. This does not mean the annihilation of the appetites and the physical constitution: no, the former body still exists, and you must eat and drink, for its support, no less than before. It only means that all these appetites and propensities are held under the control of God’s revealed will, and to be indulged only following that will. They are no longer our masters; we have no master but God.

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The ultimate and efficient intention of the mind in the form of the old man is to commit itself in a deep and hearty commitment of the soul to self-gratification.
The new man however is a spiritual mind, or a disposition to please God instead of self. It is right over against the carnal selfish state. The mind is fully committed to pleasing God so this becomes the chief purpose for which the individual reacts and acts.

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The newborn souls spoken in the scripture are those that as matter of fact overcome the world. The common thing about them is that they do not sin and are not in bondage to Satan. The affirmations of Scripture respecting them must at least embrace their general character. And this is of course equivalent to having the victory over the world.

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Thus the mindset we have about money determines our actions and reaction to it. If money occupied the thought all the time with lesser care for other things, this could tempt evil. Thus being a good manager of money affects our perception of and how we think about money.

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A Christian way of prosperity that follows the principle of Christ should be different from the manners of the ungodly. The ungodly are ready to do anything to acquire wealth. Most of the strategy is full of corruption and criminal intent. Though few of the wealthy had been able to acquire wealth in a just manner, the majority had not been righteous.

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Everyone desires peace, happiness, and love, yet most are not getting it. Many have forsaken the only true way to abundant life and have gone after counterfeit. Happiness and Joy are still available for free. You can have it today if you really want. Are you ready to respond? Are you willing to receive God’s free gift now? Will you decide to receive Joy and peace now?

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Great opportunities for success are often lost when scholars try to avoid risks. Youths who concentrate on small matters do not take risks on great adventures. No man can make an outstanding achievement by taking risks on small ideas.

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There are many parts to the Christian ministry, but some aspects are more important than others and Christian believers must watch so that the enemy does not take advantage of their carelessness.
We must therefore give priority to certain aspects of life to remain alive. Difficulties and challenges come and go but life must be protected and preserved in order to sustain it.

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Do you know that great achievement does not come perchance? It is not a product of “trial and error”. It does not result from gambling. Great success is a product of dogged determination to study and achieve success. Wisdom demands that you identify those activities that compete with your study time and do away with them.

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God is interested in your physical growth, spiritual development, and academic advancement. The gift and potential to grow and move forward are available to you in Christ. All you need to do is to “stir up the gift of God, which is in thee” (2 Timothy 1:6) to achieve your life ambitions.

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Be patient with God, your blessings, admission, promotion, and provision will come and meet you as you pray, and wait patiently before the Lord.

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Leadership is influencing others to accomplish an objective. In the process, the leader keeps the various components of the organization steady and running so that the set objectives can be achieved.

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Though the stress-coping capacity of each type of personality differs. Type-A is more likely to go down with stress-related illness than Type B. However, both types of leaders, are achievers because a leader’s effectiveness doesn’t depend on whether he is Type-A or Type B. All effective leaders will experience stress in a measure. But we may all learn to manage the effects of stress such that we stay on top of it and our health and behavior remain unaffected. I will state the coping mechanisms as tips.

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Though stress is part and parcel of active life. You can’t but welcome stress if you’re alive and active.
In fact, experts say stress is useful as a work-life morale booster. Yet another kind of stress that results in distress, fatigue, emotional disorders, mental breakdowns, and other health problems are the monster all leaders should learn to manage.

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Are you a leader at the helm of your organisation? And you think you’ve got all it takes to keep the organisation running and moving up? But if good communication skills aren’t among your credentials, your leadership is heading for storms. Effective leadership without effective communication is impossible.

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Though life does not always run on the fast lane, nor does it roll on the conveyor belt of a fast food production joint. More often than not, life involves patiently waiting for the right time. For believers, this underscores the necessity of faith, trusting God to act appropriately in His own time.

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For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end” (Jeremiah 29:10,11).

The Bread of Life: Food for Warriors and Warriors

This is God’s benevolent act towards his people. His mercy is awesome with manifold benefits of God to us: forgiveness of sins, healing, redemption from destruction, love and mercies bestowed, provisions, good health and sound mind and God’s righteous judgements.

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The message of the Gospel is the free gift of eternal life to those who believe. “God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son”; that “Christ is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption”. Only in Christ is our whole salvation.

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Whatever challenges you are facing in your personal or ministerial journey, always rest assured that you will overcome them. Because the Captain of the host is the one to whom belongeth all power. As we support the Church of Christ and servants of God, giving a cup of cold water when necessary, we will be dully rewarded if we faint not.

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There are many things involved in soul-winning such as earnest piety, common sense, spiritual wisdom in adapting means to the end. Matter and manner and order and time and place all need to be wisely adjusted to the end we have in view. Without this sagacity and adaptation of means to this end a spiritual mind will fail to win souls to Christ.

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In preaching the Gospel, we must present those truths. Sinners must be convicted of their enmity. They do not know God and consequently are often ignorant of the opposition of their hearts to Him. “By the law is the knowledge of sin,” because by the law the sinner gets his first true idea of God. By the law, he first learns that God is perfectly benevolent and infinitely opposed to all selfishness.

error: The love of the father is awesome!
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