Tuesday, 17 September, 2024

The Law of God

prayer, bible, christian

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11)

Some people are scared of the concept of the word-law. Professing believers in this category mistakenly take the liberty to mean lawlessness.

Take note, there is no country without laws to guide the citizen. There is also no community of people without norms and ethics of behavior acceptable as the moral standard of life. Rules are made in schools to regulate the student’s code of conduct.

Just as nations of the world have constitutions that spell out the principles by which the states are organized and governed, the Bible is God’s constitution for the citizens of His kingdom. It is the law of the Lord, the perfect law of liberty for every child of God. Read it to be wise, study it to know the will of God, obey its words to be blessed and happy.

The word of God reveals the mind of God on every issue of life. The Bible contains God’s commands for us to obey, God’s warnings for us to heed, God’s corrections for the erring ones, and godly examples for us to follow. Retention of its precepts in our hearts is a formidable antidote against evil.

Read the Bible slowly, study it searchingly, consider its precepts prayerfully and ponder on its teachings meditatively. Let its doctrines fill your heart and guide your feet.

You will be happy to discover that the Bible is a well of wisdom, the treasury of wealth, and a source of health. Read your Bible every day. Cherish its precepts more than your daily food. There can be no other source than the perfect law of liberty. True liberty is in the Word of God

Challenge: The Bible is the only compass that directs to heaven.

Prayer: Help me Oh Lord to understand your word as I read the scriptures every day.