Saturday, 18 January, 2025

Month: December 2020

The moment of Miracle

Your moment of miracles is here. You will experience an extraordinary manifestation of divine intervention in your affairs that will introduce an extremely outstanding event to your life. Jesus Christ is still in the business of doing miracles.

Scriptural Magazines

Life Press is the publishing arm of The Great Commission Evangelistic Ministries. It publishes scriptural magazines (Life, Challenge, Pathway). The printing and publishing of scriptural magazines help to spread the gospel through the printed pages. The scriptural magazines are undoubtedly inspiring and life-transforming. Many readers have had their lives blessed abundantly by these printed pages and are always asking for more.

bible, book, highlighter

Do you regularly study the Bible on your own? Beyond devotional or five-minute-a-day readings, how many times do you dig deep into God’s word?
Though you hear lots of Bible teaching through the sermon and Sunday school classes, developing a habit to read some chapters of the Bible daily will strengthen your personal relationships with the Lord. You can decide to read the Bible together with a friend or in a group. Thus true Christian friendship and a love for God’s word will help build your spiritual life through prayer. You will be able to finish reading through the whole Bible in a year.

Lifelibrary for your spiritual growth

This online Christian library is a virtual library of choice by Bible students & scholars. The E-books available for download on this site are free. All are either in the public domain or published with the permission of the author or publisher. Both ‘classic’ and ‘contemporary’ materials are available.

The Dynamics of Faith

The Dynamite Faith introduces you to the faith that is real. It is the faith of an overcomer that overcomes the world. Faith has power and the result of that power is a changed life. Faith brings God near you. It gives you evidence of what God has revealed in his word.
Faith made the precious promise of God attainable and we can always take God at his word.

The Bread of Life

A model of spiritual food geared towards raising people with testimony of life excellence and spiritual prowess.

The Christian Lifestyle Blog

Living the Christian life means sacrificing our own desires, ambitions, and glories and replacing them with those of Christ. We can only do this by His power through the faith that He gives us by His grace.

Life Publishing Press

The printed pages have enormous possibilities such as the power of persuasion, penetration, and persistence. Literatures evangelism has the possibility to contribute a powerful tool for personal Christian growth and spiritual progress. The literature given to friends and strangers can be a good introduction to spiritual conversation.

Reaching all souls

Our duty is to speak for God on the eternal destiny of souls (Isa.6.8-13, Rom.10.14,15). We are co-laborers in the lord`s vineyard – behold the harvest is truly plenteous (Mt.9.37-38; John 4.35-36). The commission given to every disciple of Christ is to go into the world and continue the ministry which the Lord himself started (LK 4.18).

Free Christian Movies Online.

The Christian Movies is an online channel for Christian Cinema show. This Christian Cinema is a very good way to watch Christian movies and TV shows. There are a series of entertainment and beyond the entertainment that inspires families of Faith. There is a variety of catalog of movies to watch and to keep up your entire Christian library. No Subscriptions.

banking, bricks, business

We understand in Psalm 62:11: “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that POWER BELONGETH UNTO GOD.” it did not belong to any Christian man whom God has greatly used in this world’s history. Power belongs to God. If anyone has had power, they certainly got it from Read more…


Daily Devotion is your consecration to the Lord. A quality time you spend daily with God. It is an important way to discipline yourself in your walk in the Spirit. Keeping looking unto Jesus every day will train your emotion to respond to the reality of the word of God. A truly devoted time with God in daily Bible reading and devotional essay from this site will certainly pay off as soon as the devotions become a part of your daily life.

The calling of God

The Great Commission Evangelistic Ministries is a global media missionary with a God-given mandate to preach the gospel. The Ministries endeavour to help the suffering and the poor, minister to the widows and orphans, visit prisoners and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world.

error: The love of the father is awesome!
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