Saturday, 18 January, 2025

Month: May 2021

clouds, landscape, beyond

Faith is expressed in the bank draft you receive instead of actual dollar notes in business transactions. It is seeing the invisible and believing the incredible. It is reposing absolute confidence in God for all your needs. It is taking God at His word and confessing His words until the promises are fulfilled.

light, light bulbs, hope

The word of God is the priceless treasure that can enrich our life without measure. It is the bastion of hope for the hopeless; it is the lamp to believers’ feet and light to their path; it is the source of believers’ authority and dominion over the enemy.

As a new born baby, desire the sincere milk of the word to grow

Believers in Christ are victorious when they face life challenges with faith and prayers. Christians who pray about everything, every time and anywhere are people with God’s power to prevail in every situation in life.

key to success, opportunity, achievement

Such can be said about certain opportunities – when lost, they are gone forever. It becomes very disturbing when such opportunities have great and long lasting implications.

eagle, snow, wings

Men and Women with passion and purpose in life must continue to pursue their success goals regardless of seemingly inconvenient conditions. You must be committed to your goal achievement come rain, come sunshine; and when you are full or hungry.

baby, hand, infant

God is the God of my salvation. I am alive and well today because He took care of me. He is the one who sustains me and keeps me from evil. He is the one who gives me victory over sin and Satan.

conifers, sunlight, road

What distinguishes winners from losers is the way they view and/or handle problems. While winners view great obstacles as challenges too big to miss, the losers view them as too big to hit. You should not be intimidated by problems and difficulties.

career, road, away

Forward is upward and is the secret of success in every sphere of life. Apostle Paul was conscious of this when he wrote: ‘I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:13,14).

success, stairs, board

Your success depends on how far you can stretch yourself to reach out your goals. You cannot realize an uncommon achievement by attempting common tasks. The greater the goals you set for success, the better for exceptional achievement. It is better to aim high and take risks to climb up to the pinnacle of success.

man, praying, kneel

Prayer offers us the privilege to unburden all our cares on Christ and receive rest for our soul. It provides us with an ample chance of asking and receiving, seeking and finding and knocking to get the door opened.

reading, bookworm, man

Redeeming the time is to set your priorities right and ensure you work according to the order of their value. Time will not wait for you, do something now to fufil your destiny. Stop procrastinating. Remember, wasted times cannot be regain but you can redeem the time.

love, bracelet, gerbera

Christ died and made Himself a ransom, because of His love for us. Thus we have every reason to be filled with hope and feel secure to expect His help and blessings. Through His Love we enjoy salvation and abundant life, live a life of love, to become more like Him, live a life of victory over sin and evil, and enjoy His presence filled with joy and encouragement.

jesus, christ, jesus christ

There once lived a man who protested each time he was extended a God-be-with-you compliment. He reasoned that if God were to be with someone the person will lose his freedom to do as he pleased. True, God’s presence in our life should put some restraint in our lives. What the protesting man did not consider is that God with us makes us unconquerable for, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).

insurance, family, protection

The gracious protection of God is very important for our security. The Assyrians had broken their covenant of peace and started overrunning Israel without any recourse to human sympathy. This necessitated the remnants crying to God for deliverance from the Assyrian oppression. Sennacherib, the Assyrian king moved his army against Judah and Jerusalem in a heartless invasion that devastated the land.

decision, choice, path

God is neither a tyrant nor a dictator. He gave man the right to decide what he does, hence, it is said that man is a free moral agent. But for every decision he makes right or wrong, there is a recompense. It is often said that decision determines destiny.

cross, bridge, faith

Faith can re-write our future. God always holds something for the man who keeps his faith in Him. Let God have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you. Faith is a more powerful force that creates positive circumstances.

man, thinking, doubt

Thus the great forbearance of God is to lead sinners to repentance. He waits for them for days and for months and perhaps for years! How wonderful that God should spare them. He sent his ministers, his written word, his providences, and to no effect. Finally, he came himself by his own Spirit and has been abused by them in a thousand ways. And even now perhaps you are still indulging in unbelief which is a sin that grieves him almost beyond endurance. If you persist you do it at the peril of your soul.

child, afraid, night

The consequence of this state of deception is to expect to be abandoned by the Spirit of God. If they should continue to remain in their state of deception, they may expect the Holy Spirit to abandon them forever. God’s Spirit will not always strive with man. He gave up the Israelites because they vexed and grieved his Spirit. He abandoned the old world for the same reason. And many individuals, and families, and nations, in every age of the world have been given up because they have refused to come out of deception into the light of the truth.

book, heart, pansies

Jesus told the Sadducees that they are wrong because they “do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God.” (Matt. 22:29, ESV) We often struggle with a question, only to realize that had we understood the Bible and the power of God, we would not even have to ask? but rather we would have already known the answer!

error: The love of the father is awesome!
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