Saturday, 18 January, 2025

Month: June 2021

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It is folly for anyone to think that he can continue to live in sin while enjoying God’s goodness. Such folks clearly have a perverted understanding of who God really is. Those who take Him for a Father Christmas who caresses all who come to Him and soft-gloves their acts of misdemeanor will be shocked to discover God’s anger and judgment against them ultimately.

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The Almighty God knew that the tendency of Israel to dabble into an unnecessary imitation of the culture and tradition of other people was very high, hence, His decision to forewarn them. Israel had demonstrated repeated unfaithfulness and faithlessness in their dealings with God; for this reason, God did not want to leave anything to chance.

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A remnant shall survive the assault. Whether against the Assyrians or in the time of the end, God has prepared some people who will outlast the storm. They will stand when others fall. They will be faithful when others are backsliding. They will continue in the faith when others are turning away. I trust you will be one of the remnants.

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Effective communication calls for painstaking search, selection, and stringing of picture-building words. An effective leader must take note of certain features when dealing with his working force.

The coming of the Lord is imminent. Everything happening in the world today points to the fact that time is short. The necessity of salvation from sin and the holiness of life cannot be over-emphasized.

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God is holy, and those who serve Him must be holy. Israel is to be separated from all unclean persons and things, be devoted to God’s service, and obey all His commands. That is the purpose why the Almighty God severed them from the people of the land; which is a very forcible argument, which laid them under great obligation to obedience and holiness.

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God’s mercies and His salvation guarantee our happy rest. The more we seek after the perfection of our obedience, the more shall we enjoy complete emancipation from every form of spiritual slavery. Liberty is next to life and is dearest to all brave men.

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God wants to maintain a loving relationship with a man. However, “can two walk together except they are agreed?” Therefore, before anyone can have a meaningful relationship with Him, he must repent and believe the gospel. Moreover, he needs to follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.

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As we continue in our Christian race, there may be discouragement from fellow pilgrims but we must daily remind ourselves that it is only those who endure and continue till the end that shall be saved. The Christian race is a battle of wits and nerves. Those who make up their minds to overcome every daunting odd are those who triumph ultimately.

error: The love of the father is awesome!
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