Saturday, 18 January, 2025

Month: February 2023

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The ultimate and efficient intention of the mind in the form of the old man is to commit itself in a deep and hearty commitment of the soul to self-gratification.
The new man however is a spiritual mind, or a disposition to please God instead of self. It is right over against the carnal selfish state. The mind is fully committed to pleasing God so this becomes the chief purpose for which the individual reacts and acts.

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The newborn souls spoken in the scripture are those that as matter of fact overcome the world. The common thing about them is that they do not sin and are not in bondage to Satan. The affirmations of Scripture respecting them must at least embrace their general character. And this is of course equivalent to having the victory over the world.

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Thus the mindset we have about money determines our actions and reaction to it. If money occupied the thought all the time with lesser care for other things, this could tempt evil. Thus being a good manager of money affects our perception of and how we think about money.

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A Christian way of prosperity that follows the principle of Christ should be different from the manners of the ungodly. The ungodly are ready to do anything to acquire wealth. Most of the strategy is full of corruption and criminal intent. Though few of the wealthy had been able to acquire wealth in a just manner, the majority had not been righteous.

error: The love of the father is awesome!
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