Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Category: Ministries

our primary purpose in the Great Commission Evangelistic Ministries is to

reach the lost for Christ,
develop soul winners,
dynamic church planters,
character builders,
fruit-bearing preachers of the full gospel.

We endeavor to establish in each disciple of Christ, sound principle, and practice, which will enhance his Christian’s witness.

We hope to motivate men and women for effective Christian service.

Word of Life Broadcasting

Evangelism is spiritual warfare. It is a constant fierce battle for man’s soul. Just like every other warfare, weapons and strategies are necessary to secure breakthrough and to defeat the enemy. The mind of men is receptive to information and the state of mind is the state of man.

Reaching all souls

Our duty is to speak for God on the eternal destiny of souls (Isa.6.8-13, Rom.10.14,15). We are co-laborers in the lord`s vineyard – behold the harvest is truly plenteous (Mt.9.37-38; John 4.35-36). The commission given to every disciple of Christ is to go into the world and continue the ministry which the Lord himself started (LK 4.18).

Life Publishing Press

The printed pages have enormous possibilities such as the power of persuasion, penetration, and persistence. Literatures evangelism has the possibility to contribute a powerful tool for personal Christian growth and spiritual progress. The literature given to friends and strangers can be a good introduction to spiritual conversation.

error: The love of the father is awesome!
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