Our task is to preach the gospel of Christ to all creature and to edify the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the son of God,……..
Our duty is to speak for God on the eternal destiny of souls (Isa.6.8-13, Rom.10.14,15). We are co-laborers in the lord`s vineyard – behold the harvest is truly plenteous (Mt.9.37-38; John 4.35-36).
The commission given to every disciple of Christ is to go into the world and continue the ministry which the Lord himself started (LK 4.18). The mission of Jesus was to seek and to save that which was lost (Lk19.10).
The Great Commission Evangelistic Ministries counsel every soul that seeks spiritual counseling seeks to enlighten all those who desire wisdom and instruct all those who have pleasure in knowledge, to console those in spiritual sorrow and strengthen the week and the needy. Jesus has the answer to every question and He has the solution to every problem
To know more about the mark of a soulwinner
January 14, 2021 at 2:53 pmns in India, responding to their needs when persecuted, providing Bibles and other practical help, and supporting frontline workers with tools to help them spread the gospel.