Saturday, 27 July, 2024


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You may find the Links listed below useful

DISCLAIMER: These links are not maintained by us, nor do we hold any control over the content of these sites. They are here only as a reference tool. If you find something offensive please let us know. If you find any broken links please let us know.

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Christian Academic Internet Software Directories

  1. Christianity Net
  2. Christian Internet
  3. Christianity Com
  4. Christian Ministries and Churches

  5. Word of Life Broadcasting
  6. Deeper Christian Life Ministry
  7. Redeemed Christian Church of God
  8. Hope for Africa Charity Ministry
  9. Find a church close to you
  10. Historical Pentecostalism in Africa
  11. Online Christian Libraries

  12. Life Library
  13. Puritan Library
  14. American Reformed Library
  15. Grace -EBOOKS
  16. Grace Online Library
  17. Christian Classic Ethereal Library
  18. Monergism Online Books
  19. NTS Online Library
  20. Princeton Seminary Library
  21. Life Theological Library
  22. Online Books Page of English Works
  23. Project Gutenberg – Online Catalogue
  24. World Wide School Library
  25. Online Library Resources
  26. Online Theology Library
  27. Arthur Custance Library
  28. Online Bibles and E-Software

  29. Free Study Software
  30. Free Bible Software
  31. Bible Web Application
  32. Scripture Memory for Window
  33. Inverse Memorization
  34. Bible Gateway
  35. World Bible Study
  36. Topical Bible
  37. Free Courses for Christians

  38. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
  39. Free and esay way to learn Hebrew
  40. Introduction to New Tesrament Greek
  41. Free Greek Courses
  42. New Testament Greek
  43. Concordances

  44. Bible Gateway
  45. Dictionaries-Encyclopedias-Handbooks

  46. Hitchcock’s Bible Names
  47. Dictionary
  48. Free Bible Commentary
  49. Manhattandeclaration
  50. Power to Change
  51. The Truth about Islam

  52. A Christian-Muslim Dialog
  53. Answering Islam
  54. Evaluation of muslims’ claim
  55. English language sites
  56. Quran and Science
  57. The Spirit of Islam
  58. Science and Islam
  59. Christian websites designed for Muslims and/or about Islam:

  60. Sites in other languages
  61. Think Thank Site
  62. Christians ask muslims
  64. Rebuttals to Muslim polemics
  65. Secular / non-religious websites about Islam:

  66. Sites watching, discussing or fighting Islam
  67. Muslim websites presenting Islam:

  68. Islamic websites (a wide variety of topics and resources)
  69. Muslim critique of / attack on Christianity (Bible, doctrine, etc.)
  70. Reflections on Islam by thoughtful Muslims
  71. Miscellaneous:

  72. Religious Relations Today
  73. Jewish believers in Jesus
  74. Muslims Asking Christians: Questions & Answer Panel
  75. Tawhid: Behold God is one
  76. For the Jews

  77. Jews for Jesus
  78. Biblical Languages

  79. Comparing Translations
  80. Bible Commentaries and Concordances

  81. Bible Commentaries
  82. Free Bible Commentary – verse-by-verse, with video, audio commentaries, by Dr. Bob Utley
  83. Encyclopedia Britannica
  84. Bible Times and Customs
  85. The Ecole Initiative – Encyclopedia of Early Church History on the web
  86. Concordant Exposition
  87. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  88. Strong’s Concordance
  89. King James Dictionary
  90. Adam Clarke’s Commentary
  91. Calvin’s Commentary
  92. Jamieson – Fausset – Brown Commentary
  93. Bible Commentary – Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible.
  94. Bible Dictionary – Easton’s Bible Dictionary
  95. Dictionary of Theology
  96. Glossary of Theological Terms
  97. Glossary for the Study of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  98. Bible Keeper
  99. The Bible, Revised Standard Edition
  100. Bible.Org
  101. Bible Gateway

  103. Worldwide Study Bible
  104. Counseling and Psychology

  105. American Psychologist
  106. Archives of General Psychiatry
  107. The Principle of Psychology
  108. Classic in the History of Psychology
  109. American Psychologist
  110. Biblical View of Self
  111. Book Reviews
  112. Christian Living
  113. Christian Ministry
  114. Christian Psychology
  115. Contending for the Faith
  116. Critiques of the Biblical Counseling Movement
  117. Critiques of the 12-Steps
  118. Inner Healing
  119. Psychoheresy and Christian Organizations
  120. Psychoheresy and Individuals
  121. Psychological Testimonies
  122. Psychological Types & Tests
  123. Psychotherapy and Research
  124. You Decide
  125. Online Christian Theological Virtual Library – Reference Works Online


  126. The Catholic Encyclopedia: Hermeneutics– An article from the Catholic Encyclopedia
  127. The Eight Rules of Bible Interpretation – “…the Eight Rules of Interpretation used by legal experts for more than 2500 years.”
  128. Hermeneutics – Basic rules for biblical interpretation are offered from a conservative evangelical perspective.
  129. Inspiration, Authority and Interpretation – Guidelines for sound biblical interpretation.
  130. Issues in Hermeneutics – Articles from the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal by Herman C. Hanko.
  131. Modern Hermeneutics: Legitimate Contrasted with Illegitimate – Illegitimate hermeneutics improperly limits a Bible text to a single meaning consistent with the human author’s prior knowledge. This is the first in a series of studies.
  132. Textual Studies

  133. Notes on the Septuagint– Articles on the origin, transmission, and New Testament use of the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament).
  134. The Oldest Extant Editions of the Letters of Paul – Article by David Trobisch reviews early manuscripts.
  135. The OpenText Project – Ongoing project, resources and data for the analysis of Hellenistic Greek, especially the Greek of the New Testament. Texts are annotated with linguistic information, such as text-critical, grammatical, semantic, and discourse features.
  136. Old Testament

  137. The Books of the Old Testament – A glossary of clickable links to summaries of the books of the Old Testament. Each link offers a definition of the book’s title, and a brief overview of significant events, characters, and topics in the book.
  138. The Holy Scriptures – The Tanakh – The complete text of the Tanakh (The Jewish Bible), the Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim. From the Jewish Publication Society, 1917.
  139. Old Testament Studies – Richard Abbott surveys the history, characters, and chronology of the Old Testament. Interactive timelines, charts, and maps.
  140. Reading the Old Testament – Introduction to the Hebrew Bible by Barry L. Bandstra with information regarding the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings. Also includes links to study guides, bibliographies, and resource lists.
  141. New Testament

  142. Greek New Testament – The fully searchable accented text of the Greek NT of NA/UBS, Westcott and Hort, and Tischendorf, with the variant readings and allusions in the church Fathers.
  143. An Introduction to the New Testament – Full text of the book by Richard Heard.
  144. The New Testament and Its Context – An introduction by Barry D. Smith.
  145. Resources for New Testament Exegesis – Links to materials on New Testament exegesis originally prepared for students at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. By Roy E. Ciampa.
  146. History

  147. The Jewish Roman World of Jesus – Features articles and pictures by Dr. James Tabor of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
  148. Philologos: The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia – HTML etext of book by W.M. Ramsay.
  149. The Social World of the New Testament – These pages are intended as a resource for serious, scholarly studies of the social world of the early Christian writings.
  150. Theologians

  151. St. Ambrose – Catholic Encyclopedia
  152. A Declaration of the Sentiments of Jacob Arminius
  153. Ninth Proposition of Arminius
  154. Arminianism – General Information
  155. Arminianism – Catholic Encyclopedia
  156. Arminius’s Christology
  157. Biography of Jacobus Arminius
  158. Augustine of Hippo
  159. Augustine – Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  160. Saint Augustine – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  161. Augustine
  162. Augustine of Hippo
  163. Teaching of St Augustine of Hippo – Catholic Encyclopedia
  164. St. Basil the Great – Catholic Encyclopedia
  165. The Life of Saint Basil the Great
  166. Basil the Great, Bishop, Theologian
  167. John Calvin – General Information
  168. John Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion
  169. Calvin and Calvinism
  170. John Calvin – From Lorraine Boettner’s book, Calvinism in History
  171. John Calvin – Of Justification by Faith
  172. John Calvin – On Evangelism and Missions
  173. The Complete Works of John Calvin
  174. Calvin’s Commentaries Complete
  175. Online Christian Reference Books


  176. CARM Dictionary of Theology
  177. Smith’s Bible Dictionary
  178. Bible Names Dictionary
  179. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
  180. Easton’s Bible Dictionary
  181. Holman Bible Dictionary
  182. Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
  183. Concordances

  184. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
  185. Encyclopedias

  186. Christian Cyclopedia – Lueker, Erwin
  187. New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, VOLUME VI INNOCENTS – LIUDGER
  188. New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol. II: Basilica – Chambers
  189. New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol XIII: Index
  190. Catholic Encyclopedia, The
  191. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
  192. Condensed Biblical Encyclopedia
  193. Theology References

  194. Manual of Theology
  195. Elements of Popular Theology
  196. Covenant Theology in Reformed Perspective
  197. Notes on the Bible

  198. Notes and Outlines, Mark, Luke, and John
  199. Wesley’s Notes on the New Testament
  200. Barnes Notes on the New Testament
  201. Scofield Reference Notes
  202. Commentaries

  203. Mattew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible
  204. Martn Luther Commentary on Romans
  205. Roberts, John Commentary on the New Testament
  206. Robert, John Commentary on the Old Testament
  207. Lightfoot, John – Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica
  208. Lightfoot, John – Commentary on the Gospels
  209. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown – Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  210. Johnson, B.W. _ New Testament Commentary
  211. Coffman’s Commentaries
  212. Bible Commentary by David Guzik
  213. Marsh Bible Commentary
  214. Expositions

  215. Gill, John – Exposition of the Whole Bible
  216. Schaff, Philip – Creeds of Christendom, with History and Critical Notes, Vol. 1
  217. Schaff, P. – Creeds of Christendom, with History and Critical Notes, Vol. 2
  218. Schaff, P. – Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches
  219. Bible Synopsis, Topical References, and Canon

  220. Darby, John – Synopsis of the Bible
  221. Nave, Orville J. Nave’s Topical Bible
  222. Sawyer, James – Evangelicals and the Canon of the New Testament
  223. History

  224. Wylie, J.A – The History of Protestantism
  225. Schaff, P. – History of the Christian Church
  226. Miscellaneous

  227. Luther, Martin Large Catechism
  228. Calvin, John – Institutes of the Christian Religion
  229. Stedman, Ray – Gospel of John, The
  230. Berkhof, Louis – Summary of Christian Doctrine
  231. Other References

    Theology and Church History

  232. Reformed Theology and Apologetics
  233. Computer Assisted Theology
  234. Bible Study Foundation
  235. Wesleyan Theology
  236. Prophecy Resources

  237. Bible Prophecy Page
  238. Preaching Resources

  239. ICL: Reading Room
  240. Goshen
  241. Sermons

  242. ICL: Sermons
  243. Spurgeon Archive
  244. Preaching Magazine
  245. Online Public Libraries

  246. Internet Public Library
  247. Ohio Public Library
  248. Newspapers and Magazines

  249. Electronic News Stand
  250. USA Today
  251. US News and World Report
  252. Wall Street Journal
  253. New York Times
  254. Washington Times
  255. Los Angeles Times
  256. Jerusalem Post On-Line
  257. Time Magazine
  258. New Republic
  259. Scientific American
  260. PC Magazine
  261. Directories

  262. The Huge List
  263. Black World Directory
  264. WWWomen
  265. World E-Mail Directory
  266. Dictionaries

  267. Roget’s Thesarus On-Line
  268. Encyclopedias

  269. Encyclopedia of the Orient
  270. Knowledge Adventure
  271. Science & Technology
  272. Almanacs

  273. Information Please Almanac
  274. 2009 Statistical Abstract-US
  275. Other References

  276. Zip Code Search
  277. US Post Office
  278. English Language

  279. Element of Style”
  280. Purdue U. Writing Lab
  281. Inkspot
  282. Technical Communications
  283. Global History

  284. Maven
  285. World History Chart
  286. Government & Politics

  287. Christian Coalition
  288. Town Hall
  289. Miscellaneous Resources

  290. Gallup Poll
  291. Freeware & Shareware


  292. Tucows
  293. ap_macApple/Macintosh

  294. SkyTouch Communications
  295. MACTCP
  296. Web Browsers

  297. Internet Explorer
  298. Netscape
  299. Security

  300. AUSCERT
  301. EPIC.ORG
  302. Datafellows F-Secure
  303. Internet Art and Graphics

  304. Barry’s Clip Art
  305. Webclipart
  306. Compression Tools

    Graphics Tools

  307. Adobe Acrobat Reader
  308. Audio and Video

  309. Real Audio
  310. Timecast Guide
  311. Internet Wave
  312. GoldWave Audio
  313. Links related to Historical Oberlin College

  314. Oberlin College Archives.Large collection of Archives on Finney and related people.
  315. Oberlin Archival Documents.
  316. Historical Documents.
  317. First Church of Oberlin–still there.
  318. People.
  319. Places.
  320. Finney’s Grave.
  321. History
  322. Jubilee Notes
  323. Jubilee Notes 2
  324. James Monroe
  325. James Monroe Biography
  326. Oberlin Covenant
  327. Oberlin Timeline
  328. Oberlin Links Outside of Oberline
  329. Prospectus for the Oberlin College Institute (1833)
  330. Remembrances of Charles Finney
  331. The Second Great Awakening
  332. Wesleyan Links
  333. Wesley Center for Applied Theology (Northwest Nazarene College).
  334. Hundreds of holiness classics and Wesleyan writings

  335. Methodist Archives and Research Center.
error: The love of the father is awesome!
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