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Tuesday, 21 January, 2025


Dynamic of Faith: The Faith of an Overcomer

“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain” (I Corinthian 9:24).

Success is within the reach of every individual who aspires for it; and so is the ability to excel among students. God has made every student with the potentials, not only to achieve success but to excel among his equals. You may then ask why so many fail?

The cost of excellence involves waking up to study at night, reading your books ahead of the class, and spending time to understand what you study. Paying the price to excel could also involve revising your work very well ahead of time in preparation for your examinations and honestly concentrating on your studies without any distractions.

Excellence does not come overnight. Just as it takes time to lay a solid foundation before the superstructures are put on the house, it also takes time toiling and laboring in the right direction of excellence before it is achieved. It is however possible for you to excel in your academics and also in your life if you are ready to pay the price.

The world is waiting for you. There is no room for mediocrity in your life. Think along with me. The Jews waited in bondage in Egypt for centuries until Moses came to bring the much-needed deliverance. The men of Israel remained in perplexities under the tyranny and terror of Goliath of Gath until David came.

The whole world lies under the dominion of sin, self, and Satan until Jesus Christ, the Redeemer came and conquered all to give victory to man’s soul, spirit, and body. The walls of Jerusalem were in ruins and desolation until Nehemiah came to restore confidence and security to his people. What can we say of Elijah, John the Baptist, Deborah, Esther, the Apostles who championed the cause of God and Christ?

The world is waiting for you! These days when honesty, integrity, righteousness are fast becoming taboo. When corruption, dishonesty, occultism, examination malpractices, advanced free fraud (419) are widely accepted. Now lawlessness, social vices, immorality, nudity, and worldly pleasures become the norm in our schools and colleges. You cannot mess up your life with immorality, laziness, and worldly pleasure. You dare not abort the goal of God.

Who knows whether you are the man or woman in the making for societal, national, or global change? The world is waiting for you. They waited for Thomas Edison for electricity, a sound-recording device, and a motion picture projector. They waited for Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Wilbur Wrights for airplanes, Handel, Martin Luther King Jnr, Indra Gandhi of India, Margaret Thatcher, Charles G. Finney, John Wesley, C.H. Spurgeon, William F. Kumuyi, and many more. There is a destiny ahead of you. Never abort it. Thus never give failure any chance. Sin could lure failure into your life. If you already have the problem of sin. There is a need for genuine repentance from sin for a close walk with God, the Author of success.

CHALLENGE: Success has price tags. Nevertheless, the average person goes to his grave with his music still in him.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to succeed whatever the cost maybe and let my life fulfill your will and purpose and not the devil.

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error: The love of the father is awesome!